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Further fixes since the Gatsby v3 upgrade

A few weeks ago, I upgraded Games by Tim's static site generator to Gatsby v3.

As part of the upgrade process, I rewrote parts of the codebase to adapt to the new Gatsby v3 standards. However, I couldn't fully complete the changes due to a bug with the new Gatsby image plugin, gatsby-plugin-image, that added unwanted padding to all images.


Now that the Gatsby team addressed the image padding bug, I've migrated the site's image plugin from the old gatsby-image to gatsby-plugin-image, effectively completing the Gatsby v3 upgrade process. According to the Gatsby docs, images on this site should load faster with the new plugin. I also noticed that the rendered images look slightly better than before.

In addition to applying the new image plugin:

  • I fixed a bug that prevented the site from generating an instant preview in the Forestry CMS.
  • I fixed a bug that caused the latest blog post on the homepage to not update properly.

I hope these changes help improve the quality of the site for visitors and developers who intend to use the Games by Tim template for their own website. As always, if you notice something broken about the site, post a comment on this post, email me, or submit an issue to the GitHub repo. Thanks again!

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