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Wheel of Fortune for PowerPoint Version 4.0.1

Wheel of Fortune for PowerPoint app icon

Updating from version 3.2 or older? Be sure to check out the version 4.0 release notes to get caught up on all the major changes.

Well, there's always that one part of the game I forget to test. As such, here's version 4.0.1, which includes the following fixes:

  • [FIX (Mac only)] The buy vowel and transfer totals buttons now work properly with large money values. The Windows version was not affected.
  • [FIX] Adds an error message if a user sets the vowel price or house minimum beyond the maximum integer value.
  • [CHANGE] If a user attempts to load a puzzle when none exist, a new message box guides the user to the Set Up Puzzles editor.

I would like to thank Marius Benadie from YouTube for helping me identify the Mac buy vowel/transfer totals bug.

Version 4.0.1 was re-released a few hours after this post to adjust the performance of the puzzle existence code.

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